When filing your taxes, a mistake can create a major financial problem for you that can lead to an audit or keep you from getting the money you deserve. Having your tax return examined by experienced tax advisors can make the process of filing your taxes much easier. At Simple Tax Group, we can provide you with a quick estimate of your tax refund estimate to let you have an idea of how your tax return should look. We can pursue getting you the maximum return so you are able to enjoy the money that you have earned.
We set ourselves apart from our competition by:
We also offer a refund in minutes, where our clients are able to receive a refund advance of up to $1,000 in just minutes—at no additional charge!
Credit repair is the process of identifying and addressing any unfair, inaccurate or unverified negative items hurting your credit, including collections, late payments, charge-offs and more.
We provide complete, rapid and uncompromising support when you need it and will help you identify all the sources of income and related tax savings.
We work with you to review your credit reports for questionable negative items, including late payments, collections and more.
Challenge & Dispute
We work with your creditors and the credit bureaus to verify your questionable negative items as accurate, fair and substantiated.
We continue to watch your credit, addressing additional issues as they arise so that you can stay on track and reach your credit goals.
A notarization is generally an assurance made by a Notary Public that a document's signature is genuine, that the signer acted without duress and that the signer intended the terms of the document to be in full force and effect.
Most requests for notarization involve the signing of documents. In all cases, all signers and any required witness(es) must be present for the notarization. You'll need to bring acceptable ID as required by your state along with all pages of the document being notarized.
We suggest you don't sign or date the document (some documents must be signed and dated in the presence of a Notary)
Make sure you have all the pages of the document(s) being signed, not just the signature page
Make sure all document signers have state-acceptable ID
The minute your mail or packages arrive, they are processed and scanned exteriorly, with images uploaded to you. That triggers an e-mail notification, letting you know that you have new mail. From there, you can have the mail item securely discarded or shipped to another location, domestically or internationally. If you receive any bank checks, request a check deposit and we can have it deposited at your bank for free.
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